dec 18, 2023

David Engel Interview

Written by Anouk Hermans

Conventional supply chains and production processes are still largely linear, which means that a lot of waste is produced when products reach the end of their life and are often disposed of rather than recycled. In the age of climate protection and sustainability, a circular economy must therefore be established. Logistics, in particular, must meet these requirements – a challenge that Drake & Farrell B.V. has taken on and is mastering brilliantly within the industry vertical they are active in: Telecommunication, Electromobility and Health-tech.


View Interview With David

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Wilt u graag meer leren over de transitie van een lineair naar een circulair businessmodel? Wilt u uw voorwaartse en retour logistieke processen verbeteren? Wilt u meer waarde toevoegen en manieren vinden waarop u uw bedrijfsvoering duurzamer maakt?