Feb 22, 2023

Somnox and Drake & Farrell Forge long-term partnership on assembly and aftermarket solutions of smart sleep companion

Written by Anouk Hermans

Somnox, the leading provider of sleep companions, and Drake & Farrell, the leading sustainability solution provider for circular supply chains, announce a long-term partnership. Drake & Farrell will build the Somnox 2 and establish an aftermarket solution. With this partnership Somnox aims to extend the lifecyle of its products by making use of Drake & Farrell’s knowledge and experience on circularity of electronics. This supports Somnox in their rollout of their new “Sleep As A Service” subscription model.

ROTTERDAM, 22 February 2023

Somnox has a strong mission of helping 100 million people sleep better by 2030. Simultaneously, sustainability is strongly embedded within the organisation. As Somnox are working on realising a positive impact, they want to extend beyond usage of the product and include the entire product life cycle from assembly all the way to the “product end-of-life” phase. Recently, Somnox introduced a “Sleep As A Service” featuring a subscription model for the Somnox 2, giving a broader number of users easier access to good night sleep. Hence, a circular supply chain specialist is required.

Drake & Farrell has a mission to create 100 percent circularity of electronics and reduce the annually created more than 60 million tons of electronic waste globally. Building on more than 15 years of experience they have a strong ambition to radically change the way electronics are handled. Driving the transition from a linear to a circular economy, the focus is on maintaining the value of the returns in the value chain. Extending the lifecycle of products, parts and resources is centered in the core of their service. This results in a positive business case combining economic and ecological benefits and increased operational availability of products, parts and resources. All managed in a controlled and compliant process.

Already making an impact in both the Telco and the E-mobility industry, Drake & Farrell has strategically extended into the Well-Being Tech industry adding Somnox as a partner with the combination of product assembly, reverse supply chain, refurbishment and repair as the logical next step.

Both organisations find common ground in a joint mission to make the world a better place for us and generations to come. Somnox aims to be helping 100 million people sleep better by 2030 while Drake & Farrell is actively eliminating tons of electronic waste.

“Our transition from ‘selling sleep products’ towards ‘selling sleep as a service’ is a fundamental shift in the industry. It focuses our entire organisation to maximise the value we deliver for a monthly fee to the user to improve the quality of sleep. Working with D&F provides us with the know-how and expertise to put electronics circularly in the bedrooms of many to come.” — Julian Jagtenberg (CEO at Somnox).

“It is a great honor that we may support Somnox in their mission to provide better sleep in the world, while making their overall Supply Chain more sustainable. Consequently, increasing our own impact in the world by keeping at reducing electronic waste.” — David Engel (CEO at Drake & Farrell).

About Somnox
Somnox is on a mission to help 100 million worldwide achieve better sleep by 2030. Their patented technology provides users with a science-backed sleep companion to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, resulting in deeper, more restful sleep. Somnox is known for inventing the world’s first technology that leverages biofeedback and breathwork to accelerate the process of falling asleep. CEO and co-founder Julian Jagtenberg conceptualised Somnox while researching sleep as a robotics engineer at the University of Technology Delft in the Netherlands. Somnox has received much acclaim for its innovative design, including the Red Dot Design award and the iF Design award. For additional information, please visit www.somnox.com.

About Drake & Farrell
Drake & Farrell actively revolutionises the way society deals with used electronical equipment. With a strong mission to eliminate electronical waste, Drake & Farrell aims to reuse 100% of the electronical products including its components and materials. Materials are recycled and made reusable whereas components are repaired or refurbished creating a circular supply chain. Drake & Farrell offers tailor made services unlocking the business opportunities of the circular supply chain for its clients. This includes specific reverse logistics, including organising returns and functional screening, testing, repair and refurbishing, root cause analysis, re-kitting and (spare)parts sourcing. Drake & Farrell provides impactful ecological as well as economic results to clients in various industries such as telco, consumer electronics, healthcare and eMobility by supporting the transition from a linear to a circular compliant business model. As a result, Drake & Farrell actively enriches her client’s business goals with sustainable focus. Drake & Farrell was founded in 2006 and has facilities in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands and Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic. Please refer to www.drakeandfarrell.com for more information.

Contact Somnox:
Julian Jagtenberg, CEO & Founder, Somnox
E-mail: julian@somnox.com
Phone: +31 108 994 105

Contact Drake & Farrell:
Karel Eijkenaar, Business Development Manager
E-mail: k.eijkenaar@drakeandfarrell.com
Phone: +31 658 713 548

Header image: Julian Jagtenberg (CEO & founder, Somnox), David Engel (CEO Drake & Farrell), Wouter Kooyman Van Guldener (CFO & founder, Somnox), Stijn Antonisse (CTO & founder, Somnox).

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